Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Awesome Beard

Whenever my beard gets a little more than a little scruffy Gwen nags me to shave. "You need to dress for the job you want, not the job you have" she reasons. The real motive that she has, however, isn't my professional success, she just knows that that is the right button for her to push to get me to shave my facial hair. Really, she just jealous that I can grow such an awesome beard and she can't. This winter break gave me a whole month that I wouldn't have to go to work--a window of opportunity that would allow me to express my masculinity, a whole month to grow out my beard. Any objection Gwen raised was immediately shot down by my undefeatable logic, "I don't have work for a whole month! I can do whatever I want!". As the month went by and my beard got awesomer and awesomer I began to dream of the numerous ways I could shape my facial fur to express myself. I decided when I got home I would not shave, but rather simply groom myself and walk the fine line between professional and casual. This is what came of it.

Unfortunately, this picture is the only record of my achieving such an epic look. Within five minutes I was forced to shave it all off. If I had refused any longer, I think Gwen would have wrestled me down and taken it off herself.


JenBerger said...

Andrew that looks terrible! Gwen is right to make you shave! You and Mark are so alike. . . he always does that too and I hate it!
p.s. how was your trip to San Diego?

Caleb said...

Resist. Assert your masculinity. Once the beard is gone what's next on the chopping block?!

Marshall said...

Andrew gets to wear zero beards in the relationship and Gwen gets to wear all the pants LOL!

betty said...

That mustache is the best you can do in a month?