Friday, June 4, 2010


we have so many updates we need to do. andrew's parents came, andrew graduated, andrew passed his second actuary exam, we went to disney world. these updates will come with pictures soon.

but more importantly, tv sucks during the summer. the only bright spot? wipe out. it is a hilarious show that reminds me of the "iron chef" except with more action (is that possible?? yes!). check it out on hulu, there is a two hour "blind date" special. you'll be sure to lol.

happy summer


J. B. Sorensen said...

Congrats again to Andrew on the graduation. Also, I wholeheartedly agree about Wipeout. Even Amelia, who is usually appalled by these shows, laughed at the blind date special. Also, Burn Notice is a summer TV bright spot.

mark berger said...

i Love Wipe Out! Also The Good Guys on FOX is pretty LOL in my opinion.