Tuesday, March 29, 2011

happy birthday, andrew!!

andrew is a quarter of a century today. half way to a midlife crisis and all the way to a quarter-life crisis ;)

since it's andrew's birthday, it is my duty to express my love for him semi-publicly, here on our blog. andrew, i love you!! thanks for being a great human being! you are truly a wonderful person and i am so happy i know you and that you are in my life. you've inspired me to do many things i never thought i would and you keep inspiring me with your perseverance and sense of humor.

although we are different, we are truly similar in many ways. i am lucky to have such a good friend for a spouse.

i have a song i often sing andrew on saturdays, when i'm feeling happy about two days of hang-out time. it goes something like this, "you are my best friend! you are my roommate! you are my husband!"and then repeats indefinitely (or until andrew starts up a starcraft game).

we are still very immature and i do not believe we've reached "adulthood" yet, but i know together someday we will be adults, or at least be better at pretending to be adults!

can't wait to be retired with you, andrew love!


Lisa H. said...


JenBerger said...

Awe! So sweet! Happy Birthday Andrew!

mark berger said...

Starcraft will always come between you and andrew, i'm sorry to say! :)